A Little About Me
Carly Carreiro [ka-rare-row]
I am an energy healer, psychic intuitive, personal development mentor & spiritual coach.
I also love all kinds of music. I find music healing, and depending on my current vibe is the genre I play on repeat!
I love all kinds of food, again, if it fits my current vibe.
I will go through phases of indulging in current types of food (true for my music taste and style as well).
We are forever changing and evolving. It is important to honour our changes and different interests as this helps us anchor in our authentic template.
a part of my story...
I grew up in Toronto, Ontario.
I couldn't say when exactly I got into energy work/healing, as I feel it has been a part of who I am for as long as I can remember. As a young kid I received Reiki healing for the first time for a stomach ache. I also was very much into crystals and rocks. I remember going to crystal shops being one of my favourite things to do. My connection with Gaia was also strong, collecting rocks and momentos from nature whenever at the beach or forest. I always felt in tune with nature and the energy around me. I was a very sensitive child. At the same time, I was having conversations in my room "by myself", but really my spirit guides, angels and loved ones were always with me and I could feel their energy. I remember seeing white angel wings in the corners of my room and having conversations with Yeshua most nights. I vividly remember asking my mom as a young kid (maybe 7-9yrs) why I had to go to church to connect with Jesus when I could call to him anytime. This was when a lot of my outside reality and my personal personal reality wasn't aligning. As I was learning about my spirit guides, energetics from nature and crystals/rocks, I was also starting to learn that this wasn't real to most people around me. I started to become afraid of my gifts and turn them off, as most of us do as children.
I started to experience my health issues kicking in. For most of my life I have experienced stomach and digestive issues. Lactose intolerance, gluten sensitive, stomach pain, ulcers, hernia, and more. The stomach issues got progressively worse over about 15 years in conjunction with my experience of chronic migraines. Stomach issues were a thing for me for as long as I can remember, but migraines specifically started when I was 14. I remember that year I started to experience mild headaches that were getting more frequent and more severe each time.
Fast forward to 2020, my health issues came to a head. I was at my worst, chronic pain, weak, difficulty walking, quality of life impacted, not functioning properly. Out of all the protocols, doctors, emerge visits, and other health issues on top of digestion and migraines, I had enough. I told myself I could no longer play victim, and I no longer wanted to. I respect what I went through, but at the same time, this could not be how my life continued. I had to heal, no other option.
January 2021, I started my formal training in Reiki healing, chakra balancing and more. I saw a naturopath and nutritionist (again...) but this time I knew I had no other option besides see positive results in my health. This started my personal development and shadow work journey. I started to come to terms with my gifts as a healer and intuitive. I detoxed a lot in my life, every area of my life.
Over the last three/four years, I have continued to heal, integrate 'past' life lessons, this life lessons, figure out who I am and who I am here to be, what I want to do. I will say, as someone who was known as 'the sick person' - this was all I knew about myself and most conversations I had in my life. My identity, and I, got lost in the sauce. I have spent the last four years getting to know myself, and I feel we will always be on a journey of self-discovery as we are always changing.
I am so thankful for all of my experiences as it has built me into who I am today, and I would not trade that for the world. Life is a journey and its f*ing incredible.
If you would like to know more about my journey and experiences, check out my YouTube channel.
xx Carly